Thursday, July 2, 2009


In my searches of the internet, I was never able to find any tips for people who want to write musicals. Sure, there was advice on writing in general. There was advice for writing plays. But a play is very different from a musical. But what is a musical necessarily?

The "Corbin" definition of a musical is a dramatic work with the following criteria:
1. Music that is a part of the plot. Not just characters singing something or background music between scenes. Music is a pivotal part of musicals. My definition, therefore, excludes some older "musicals" which were just a collection of popular songs of the day with a loosely structured plot.

2. There has to be talking. The music has to stop SOMETIMES. This differentiates musicals from operettas and operas.

3. The subject work can be as comedic or serious as the author feels.

4. Must be at least two acts in length. Sorry all of those people out there writing for elementary school kids. You are not writing musicals.

There are some other case by case verdicts, but these are the general ones.

Why would someone take advice from me? I have some limited credentials, but the chances of my advice helping you is going to be the same regardless. I have been raised in a environment with lots of music. I play violin, piano, and French horn and dabble in other instruments. I have taken AP Music Theory and am a State Champion Music Listener (It's a contest sort of thing in Minnesota. Look it up). So on the whole music side of musicals, I have things covered. I have written two unpublished musicals The Ballad of Theylus Mignon and Jamoddysey and three quarters of another one, The Show Must Not Go On (Which was partially an exercise in how fast I could write if I put my mind to it. Three days. However, it had other purposes, which ended with it not getting finished. While I am not working on it now, some day I may end it, and it still has lessons to teach in writing musicals, so it will still be referenced.)

And think about it. On the slim chance that I do become famous, you can say that you read me when I had just finished high school. I did just finish high school by the way. I will be attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the next four years barring extraordinary circumstances. If you happen to have some negative opinions of the place, just keep in mind that I'm getting a full ride, room and board, and extra spending money, just for being me. If you wouldn't take a deal like that...well, I won't insult the reader.

Anyway, whenever I find a topic to rant on related to Musical Theatre, I will make sure to post it here. Not only does that include tips, but reviews of other musicals, commentary on the Tony's, and things like that.

Look forward to the scripts for my musicals online too, with commentary. However, I can not post links to the music for three reasons. One, I don't have a place to host them anyway. Second, I don't have anything better than midi recordings anyway, and being a terrible midi transcriber, you wouldn't hear any dynamics, tempo changes, or anything like that. That would give you a poor impression of my musical composition talents. Thirdly, and most importantly it is harder for me to check copyright infringement for musical works. Am I being full of myself by thinking people would steal it? Maybe. But whereas I can just punch a random part of one my plays into Google and see how many hits I get, I can't do that for music. If it gets performed somewhere or published, I will post the music. But until then, don't even bother.

Unless you are considering one of my plays to be performed. I require money like anyone else and some lead time, since I don't have an electrical copy of everything, but just contact me, and I'll work stuff out.

So, here's to a bright new blog.

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